PLANS for further development at Rosyth's Hilton Garden City development have come a step closer after Fife Council agreed to amend a planning condition.

Approval has already been granted for the erection of two retail units, a business unit, a dentists, a nursery, two food premises and 10 flats on land to the West of Camdean Primary school on Admiralty Road.

However, a request by developer Keith Punler was made to change a planning permission which had required discussion with nearby allotment users over the landscaping scheme.

Fife Council Planning officer Natasha Cockburn said the reason for the requirement had been to involve the community in the landscaping decision.

READ MORE: Rosyth masterplan progression welcomed after planning consent granted

Her report continued: "The applicant justifies the removal of this requirement by stating that the site has received Planning Permission in Principle, and approval of Matters Specified in Conditions, both of which providing opportunity for members of the public and neighbouring properties to provide comment on the proposals including boundary treatments.

"The applicant states that it is unfair and unreasonable, to expect the applicant to engage in further third-party discussions on an element that has no material impact on the neighbouring land.

"The applicant considers that the landscaping has no material consideration to the allotments.

"The applicant states that conditioning that the applicant requires to hold, and demonstrate, discussions on the landscaping proposals with the adjacent allotments empowers a third party, enabling them to control the timing and purification of that condition.

"It allows them to significantly influence what is planted in those slopes despite there being no material impact on their property. The applicant considers this to be unfair as it places the compliance of the condition outwith the control of the applicant."

Ms Cockburn, approving the request, said the removal of the condition was "reasonable" in this instance.